Whoa!!! Huge wet bubbly thanks to our first official sponsor of the Hot Tub Summit at Slamdance Film Festival via our Kickstarter campaign for Bernard and Huey! Lyle George, you’re a wonderful, awesome man – who notably was also a huge backer of my first film, Omaha (the movie) (good thing I wrote you your huge check for that film last year!). There’s only four spots left for Hot Tub Summit sponsors, and our campaign ends on Friday night, July 3rd – so act now if you want to join Lyle in the Hall of Hot Tub Awesomeness.
Here is the link to our page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/844519392/bernard-and-huey-film-by-dan-mirvish-and-jules-fei
Thank you guys so much for the donations, keep um coming! We’re about to break $25,000!
Also we have an exciting announcement that we are going to start counting down from soon! Stay Tuned!